Monday 27 January 2020

How To Take Care Of Girlfriend Like Ranveer Does Of Deepika

The love is one of the most complex emotions that lives and feels human being. Love is something that surpasses or, as defined love, "as if it were not a ray that breaks your bones and leaves you staked in the courtyard." Love requires taking care of and caring for the other so that a balance relationship is established between the two, with their comings and goings, but that the average that can be obtained from all the mathematical operations of love is always more love.
How To Take Care Of Girlfriend Like Ranveer Does Of Deepika
How To Take Care Of Girlfriend Like Ranveer Does Of Deepika

Check this :- Taking care
Many people think that a couple's relationship is maintained spontaneously over time, that for love to remain, nothing needs to be done because it is a feeling that has emerged. The reality is very different, every relationship not only needs time, it also takes pampering and care to be a healthy and strong relationship, which is maintained over time with the same intensity of the first day or even more, because love grows .

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Article index [ hide ]

1 What is sought in a relationship?

2 Tips to take care of the couple

2.1 Forget the past, go without a backpack

2.2 Healthy and continuous communication

2.3 Listen to the other

2.4 Express your emotions

2.5 Realistic Expectations

2.6 Common and own spaces


The search and choice of couple has a wide variety of interpretations according to the psychological orientation from where one wants to do their reading. Some psychologists speak of the need to complete a vacuum, the search for recognition in the other, to be the desire of the other's desire and a long and very interesting etcetera.

Psychologists such as Terrance Real, from the Cambridge Institute of Relational Life, state that on many occasions people seek to have their partner provide them with what their parents denied them . As many times these expectations are not met, feelings of frustration and unhappiness appear, which can lead to conflicts or attitudes that can damage the relationship. Some of the conflicts that stand out, from this perspective is control, the need to always be right, self-assertion or feelings of revenge.

All these ways of reacting to frustration generate greater problems in the couple and deteriorate it, these mechanisms do not facilitate a softer relationship or a closer relationship, but rather drives it away.

For example, the fact of wanting revenge on the couple is wanting to do the same; for example, not picking up calls, being late, etc. The difference is that this is done in a cold and calculated way, when the other person may have done it unconsciously or has always been that way.


In this section we want to share some tips to take care of the couple that we hope will be some lines that invite reflection. At the end of it, we leave you some articles that may be interesting to complement this information.


Whether you have just started a relationship as if you have been for a certain time but still see that you drag things from old relationships , it is time that you consider releasing all those ballasts.

When one is in a new relationship without having left fears, harms and stories of previous relationships, it cannot be delivered in the same way . In the end, consciously or unconsciously, it is very likely that one ends up living and filtering the relationship from the stories with other people, instead of being truly aware that the person with whom they are at that time is another.

Loving with a backpack you can get to prevent loving healthy . If you see that you can not let go by yourself, nothing happens to look for a professional with whom to talk about those wounds that are still bleeding, to be able to give them meaning, develop them, release them and really start a relationship.


The silence is not the best solution for a healthy relationship that lasts over time because it is important to have a healthy and ongoing communication. Communication is a very wide field, where it is to be able to tell and listen to the other, where there is respect for the individuality and subjectivity of the couple, where there is concern and curiosity about wanting to know and share, in addition to talking in time about things.

There is usually a magical thought about love "if you love me, you must know what I want and need without being told." The reality is that love does not make one develop the power to discern or guess what the other wants and needs, communication is the only means where one can find the answers.

Therefore it is important that you know what you want so you can pass it on to your partner. Do not wait for the last moment when something has hurt you, do not keep the things that hurt, tell them at the time with peace of mind and softness to make you understand. In this way you will avoid exploiting at the least desired moment and end up throwing in your face things that have to do with months ago. Speaking on time makes it possible for one to treat a grain of sand as such, and not wait for a mountain to become difficult to get rid of.


Listening is not the same as hearing , it implies paying full attention and interest. The reality is that listening is practiced less than expected today, in any type of relationship and not just as a couple. When one feels really heard by another person, one feels relief, closeness and, above all, feels appreciated by the other who has been there.

If you listen to the attempt to understand the other person , what they are telling you or how they could feel, the reception will be wonderful. Sometimes it is difficult to put on the skin of another person from the skin itself, since for one person the same thing or topic can be something terrible and, for the other, an absurd problem. Respect, listen and try to understand, how to support, is something that costs little and maintains a relationship aflote.


If listening is fantastic, talking is equally welcome. We have commented on how important it is to talk about the things that hurt to be able to remedy it as soon as possible, but talking about feelings or being able to make a meaningful compliment is also something great.

To say a love you often is not to be heavy, it is something that can undoubtedly be necessary for many people. I also tell you, that words are not only important if they are not accompanied by the facts , a hug, a caress, an intense look, a detail ... These are things that go directly to the heart, you more than anyone know your partner, surprise her !


Neither men are blue princes, nor women princesses who need to be rescued. When you are in a relationship waiting for unattainable things from your partner , it is important to ask yourself what is happening. They already said that you can't ask for the elm pears, or that if one has started a relationship knowing that your partner is one way, why expect that over the years change to be another type of person?

Accepting the other as it is is the basis for a relationship to work well. Expectations can be turned against, lived as a requirement and always waiting to be fulfilled, which being something impossible can only generate frustration.


Being in a relationship does not imply having to be 24 hours together. It ends up being healthy and necessary to have common spaces, with shared times but also with spaces that are for one . There are many examples available in everyday life, from being able to have coffee with a friend, a date or personal hobbies.

Similarly, it is also essential to share partner spaces that are separate from children, family, work or friends. Spaces where you can share everything, where there is a couple meeting, where fun and complicity is almost tangible.

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How To Take Care Of Girlfriend Like Ranveer Does Of Deepika
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